I have been wanting to say this out loud for about six months now, and just haven’t had the guts. I had too much wine last night and I am still a bit off my game, so I will go ahead and finally blurt it out. OK. Here it goes. I like Kate Gosselin. I even like her crazy old hairdo. Kate is really just a STORK in a TV personality’s tummy tuck and hair extensions. She is a mother of eight who wants to stay home with her kids but who’d also like enough money to buy some Manolos. Can you really blame a girl for that?
And didn’t she do something that we moms would all love to do? She not only got to stay home with her kids but she got free stuff for doing it. And I am not talking about a box of Huggies here and there (which is exciting enough). Kate was making a living off of celebrity cooking lessons, free trips to Hawaii, unlimited Gymboree clothes, dude ranch trips, free dental work, you name it and she got it. Imagine if you could take every ad in every magazine and make it your reality. I personally think that my kids could learn quite a bit from a trip to Italy (or from Mommy and Daddy going to Italy alone for that matter). Or from Mommy getting to guest host American Idol. Maybe from a playdate with the Obama girls (although perhaps that needs to wait until Annie is potty trained for some obvious, embarrassing reasons). And I really think they could benefit from Mommy going shopping. Every. Single. Day.
So, was Kate exploiting her kids? She maintains she did the show to capture the memories with them in a way not else possible. Do I buy that? Nah. Well, I partially believe it might have started out that way but that then she started getting all this free stuff. And she even started getting pretty again, in a way that perhaps a mom of eight never believed possible. And, as you moms know, pretty is really a euphemism for showered with your hair brushed.
Was Kate mean? Did she ever yell at her kids? Let those among us without misplaced anger cast the first stone. Did she treat her husband like crap? Has Dan ever annoyed me but failing to bring the kids’ matching socks or any socks at all? Has he ever dawdled mercilessly—and cluelessly— at Babies R Us? Do I wonder why I have to hold Jay so he can help the big kids brush their teeth, while I do this exact thing every morning with baby on hip? Of course not. But if I had, would you blame me? Would you ever do such a thing? And now imagine your husband doing all this dolled up in Ed Hardy. I rest my case.
You might wonder why I bring this up now, given Kate’s star is fizzling. Well, it’s because I really feel for her now more than ever. She had the perfect STORK gig. And the whole secret to being a STORK is having that perfect job—a job that lets you pay the bills, get some mental stimulation and, most importantly, be within arm’s reach of your kids most of the time. Now poor Kate is out there in crazy hair extensions—which simply cannot be practical with eight kids running around. Imagine bath time, flipping all that fake hair all over the place as you struggle to find the facecloth. Making peanut butter sandwiches. You get the picture.
I feel for you, Kate. I hope you come back to STORKdom soon. If it is any consolation, remember this: fame might be fleeting but a tummy tuck is forever. And that, dear reader, would be what my five-year-old might call a “hint-hint”.